Results of KfW's economic research

    Results of KfW's economic research

    Economics in Brief

    One-page documents with quick and concise information on current themes.

    Focus on Economics

    The publication series "Focus on Economics" provides an overview of the latest results on current economic policy issues.

    Economic indicators

    Our indicators provide regular updates and forecasts on important parameters.

    KfW SME Panel

    The "KfW SME Panel" is a tracking survey of small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany.

    KfW SME Innovation Report

    Annual report regarding the development of innovative activity among SMEs, based on the KfW SME Panel.

    KfW SME Digitalisation Report

    Annual report regarding the development of activity in digitalisation among SMEs, based on the KfW SME Panel.

    Business Survey

    Annual survey of the funding situation of businesses, conducted in cooperation with industry associations.

    KfW Entrepreneurship Monitor and KfW Start-up Report

    Annual surveys of the structure and trends in start-up activity in Germany.

    KfW Internationali­sation Report

    Annual report on the international activities of German SMEs.

    KfW Climate Barometer

    Representative survey on the investment behavior of all German companies on the way to climate neutrality.

    KfW Energy Transition Barometer

    Representative survey of private households on energy transiiton technology and electromobility.

    KfW Municipal Panel

    Annual representative survey of districts, as well as cities and municipalities with more than 2,000 inhabitants, conducted since 2009.

    Newsletter KfW Research

    We would be happy to provide you with regular updates from KfW Research.



    KfW Research, KfW Group, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany,

    Publications by topic

    Want to find out more about our research findings and positions? Here you can browse through our publications, sorted by subject area.