A hand stacks small wooden cubes with symbols for recycling, solar energy, agriculture, industry and circular economy

    Sustainable Financing

    KfW Group’s primary goal is the transformation of the economy and society with the aim of improving economic, social and environmental living conditions. As a public promotional bank, it is guided by the two promotional principles of subsidiarity and sustainability – in addition to its focus on megatrends and German SMEs. The principle of subsidiarity means that KfW concentrates on addressing market weaknesses without encumbering or crowding out private enterprise. KfW and commercial banks work together as partners and do not compete with each other. With regard to the principle of sustainability, KfW aims to be a sustainable bank in a holistic sense: in its business, in its operations and in its role as an employer. KfW’s promotional work is geared towards long-term and sustainable success. Its financing activities are driven by the highest environmental and social standards as well as key megatrends. The promotional principles are explicit components of KfW Group’s Strategic Objectives.

    Sustainable Finance

    The Sustainable Finance Concept expands KfW's bank management.

    Sector Guidelines for a climate-friendly future

    Steering KfW’s new financing activities according to the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement

    Group-wide impact management

    The implementation of a group-wide impact management as a basis for more effective financing.

    SDG mapping

    SDG mapping is a logical step on the road to an even more sustainable banking business.

    Sustainability in the Financial Markets Department

    Sustainability is an important element of the diverse business activities in the Financial Markets department.

    Environmental and social impact assessment

    For KfW Group, an appropriate assessment of the environmental and social compatibility of projects is essential.

    Exclusion list

    KfW Group's exclusion list, which applies throughout the Group, excludes new financing commitments in defined areas and ties its direct financial involvement in specific new projects to qualitative conditions for selected sectors.

    News about Sustainability


    KfW Group
