KfW headquarters in Frnakfurt

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    Press conference on development cooperation

    On 11 May 2022, Christiane Laibach, Member of the Executive Board of KfW Group, and Roland Siller, CEO of DEG, gave a brief review of KfW's and DEG's involvement in 2021 in developing and emerging countries, as well as an outlook on current trends and issues in their work - against the backdrop of geopolitical tensions and pressing global challenges such as climate change.

    Further information

    Christiane Laibach

    Roland Siller

    KfW Development Bank

    Business development in 2021.


    Business development in 2021.

    Development finance

    KfW Development Bank

    The business sector KfW Development Bank finances development cooperation projects and programmes around the world on behalf of the German Federal Government.


    KfW's subsidiary DEG finances and advises companies investing in developing and transition countries.

    Whether in Kabul, Afghanistan, in Accra, Ghana, or on New York's famous Fifth Avenue - KfW has branch offices in many places. Representatives of KfW Group work in more than 80 cities around the world.

    KfW's head office is in Frankfurt am Main. It has branches in Berlin and Bonn. DEG, a subsidiary of KfW Group, is headquartered in Cologne.

    KfW Development Bank

    In recent years KfW Development Bank has continuously expanded its network of offices. It is now represented at more than 60 locations around the world. Partners and project clients benefit from the close proximity. Financial Cooperation projects and programmes can thus be better prepared and supported, participation in sector dialogues is enhanced, and FC promotional loans and DEG financings for private customers are completed more rapidly.

    Locations of KfW Development Bank


    DEG has representative offices in several important investment countries and regions: in Africa for East, West and Southern Africa, in Asia in China, India, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. In Europe there are DEG offices in the Russian Federation and in Turkey, and in Latin America for the Andean countries, Mercosur and Mexico.

    Locations of DEG

    KfW Stories - the digital magazine

    Dossier Climate protection

    Innovative ideas are needed to mitigate the consequences of the climate crisis.

    "The right direction"

    Interview with Christiane Laibach, KfW Executive Board member, on the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26) on climate change and biodiversity, and their importance for KfW Development Bank.