KfW procurement – working in partnership and sustainable

Procurement at KfW Group ensures internal customers are professionally supplied with goods and services. It consolidates the requirements of internal customers and places them on the market via tenders and contracts. In addition to being cost effective, the commissioning process also takes into account regulatory requirements, EU procurement law and sustainability criteria.

Supplier information

KfW attaches great importance to a trusting working relationship with its suppliers. The focus here is on performance, willingness to cooperate and fair dealings with each other. Here you will find further information on EU award of contracts, invoicing and documents for download.

Sustainability in procurement

KfW has a special responsibility and role model function in its procurement processes. The aim is to provide the entire procurement volume with sustainability aspects in the future and at the same time to identify environmental and human rights risks throughout the entire supply chain and remedy them if necessary.


KfW Bankengruppe

Central Procurement

Platform for Europe-wide tenders