September 2011 - Reporting of the PRI Survey 2011 by KfW

As a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) KfW is required to report on its activities and progress towards implementing the Principles. This requirement is laid out in Principle six of the PRI. One of the main tools used to support signatories in their implementation of this Principle is the PRI's annual Reporting & Assessment survey. The PRI is a voluntary and aspirational framework, however participation in this survey is the one mandatory requirement for all signatories.

In the survey, all signatories report on their individual activities and strategies to implement the PRI in their respective organisation. The answers of KfW as well as of other signatories are also available on the PRI website (see links box).
A summary of the survey results for all signatories are described in the so-called PRI Report on Progress.

PRI Survey 2011:

KfW PRI Survey 2011 (PDF, 215 KB, non-accessible)

PRI Report on Progress 2011 (PDF, 3,7 MB, non-accessible)

PRI Survey 2010:

KfW PRI survey 2010 (PDF, 104 KB, non-accessible)

PRI Report on Progress 2010 (PDF, 529 KB, non-accessible)