Press Release from 2018-12-12 / Group, KfW Development Bank

Disaster relief for major natural catastrophes: KfW supports Indonesian government in reconstruction

  • EUR 25 million for sustainable reconstruction on Sulawesi and Lombok
  • Rehabilitation of hospitals, educational facilities and waste disposal
  • Further measures to revive economic sector

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), KfW has today signed a financing agreement for EUR 25 million to fund reconstruction projects on the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and Lombok. Both regions were severely hit by multiple earthquakes and a subsequent tsunami in August and September.

"Almost 600,000 people lost their homes due to these natural disasters in Indonesia. Important buildings, including hospitals and schools, were also destroyed. Together with UNDP, KfW hopes to support reconstruction swiftly and above all sustainably," says Prof. Dr Joachim Nagel, Member of the KfW Executive Group Executive Board.

The project is composed of two parts. The first involves addressing the immediate vital needs of the local residents by restoring medical and educational infrastructure as well as waste disposal. The other part is to sustainably revive the economy, for example, by building important connecting roads or market halls. The buildings are to be constructed according to energy efficiency standards, which will help keep operating costs for buildings and facilities as low as possible.

Information about KfW Development Bank can be found at