News from 2020-07-23 / KfW Research

Climate neutrality: Energy efficiency of buildings remains crucial!

Greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector have already dropped by more than 40% since 1990. But under the Climate Protection Act, today’s emissions must fall by another 43% by 2030. That will not just require a sharper increase than in the energy, manufacturing and transport sectors. It also means that the annual reduction rates have to more than double again. The sector therefore continues to face major challenges and must focus even more strongly on the existing building stock and non-residential buildings. In addition to targeted support, a rising CO2 price in particular can help make greenhouse gas emission reduction measures more economically attractive.

Climate neutrality: Energy efficiency of buildings remains crucial!


KfW Research

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Economic Research

Economic development in Germany and around the world, studies on topics relevant to society such as environmental and climate protection, demography, globalisation, innovation and sustainability, impact of KfW promotional programmes.