News from 2019-05-27 / KfW Research

South Africa: Opportunities for growth in a difficult economic environment

South Africa is facing major economic and political challenges. The ANC was able to secure a majority again in the election around two weeks ago. Although this promises stability, a majority for the ANC does not yet mean a majority for urgently needed reforms. Despite this difficult situation, the country continues to offer growth opportunities, for example in the manufacturing sector. South Africa’s advantages compared with other locations on the continent consist primarily in a well-developed infrastructure, stable private sector conditions and a growing middle class. These advantages mean the country has a chance of being among the winners of the planned pan-African free-trade agreement.

South Africa: Opportunities for growth in a difficult economic environment


KfW Research

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Economic Research

Economic Research

Economic development in Germany and around the world, studies on topics relevant to society such as environmental and climate protection, demography, globalisation, innovation and sustainability, impact of KfW promotional programmes.