Sustainability management at KfW

    Sustainability management system at KfW

    The sustainability management system at the KfW Group governs the organisation and procedures for ensuring sustainable products and business processes.

    The core elements of this system are the sustainability guidelines of the KfW Group and its business sectors and subsidiaries, which lay down responsibilities, processes and benchmarks for operations.

    The responsibility for KfW's sustainability strategy and its communication lies with the Chief Executive Officer of the KfW Group, Dr Günther Bräunig. He is responsible for sustainability issues at the KfW Group. His responsibilities include operational issues connected with the sustainability management system and in-house environmental protection.

    Group Officer Sustainability and Sustainability Officers

    Other key figures in sustainability management at KfW include the Group Officer Sustainability and the Sustainability Officers from the given units. The Group Officer Sustainability reports to the Chief Executive Officer and advises him for all relevant sustainability matters. The Sustainability Officers drive the further development of processes and new financing products, and oversee both inward and outward communication in their units.

    The Group Officer Sustainability works with the Sustainability Officers to further develop the in-house sustainability management system at KfW. He is supported by the In-House Environmental Protection Officer. The Board member for environmental issues is directly responsible for in-house environmental protection.

    Network Sustainable Finance

    The work of the Sustainable Finance Network, which follows the former Corporate Steering Group Environment and Climate (KUK), is aimed at exchanging information and coordinating and advancing sustainable finance issues at working level in all three dimensions of sustainability (ecological, economic and social).


    KfW Group

    Sustainability Strategy