News from 2022-11-07 / KfW Research

German Private Equity Barometer 3rd quarter 2022

Private equity sentiment drops to crisis level

The German private equity market experienced yet another sharp loss of confidence in the third quarter of this year. The business climate indicator fell by 16.2 points to -40.4 balance points. The only time the level has ever dropped this low was during the financial crisis at the beginning of 2009 and the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Expectations are significantly lower than situation assessments, indicating that private equity investors anticipate a continuing substantial deterioration of the business environment in the next six months.

German Private Equity Barometer 3rd Quarter


KfW Research

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Economic development in Germany and around the world, studies on topics relevant to society such as environmental and climate protection, demography, globalisation, innovation and sustainability, impact of KfW promotional programmes.