News from 2022-03-23 / KfW Research

KfW SME Digitalisation Report 2021

Coronavirus pandemic triggers digitalisation push but digitalisation is still not a matter of course

Current KfW Research study examines the development of digitalisation activity among SMEs during the coronavirus pandemic. The key finding is that the coronavirus has led to a digitalisation push but that digitalisation has not become a matter of course:

  • 35% of SMEs have expanded their activity since the pandemic began
  • The fear of customers permanently switching to digital offerings is a major motivation
  • The full potential of digitalisation is not being raised: complex projects are rarely addressed

KfW SME Digitalisation Report 2021


KfW Research

KfW Group

Palmengartenstrasse 5-9

60325 Frankfurt


Economic Research

Economic Research

Economic development in Germany and around the world, studies on topics relevant to society such as environmental and climate protection, demography, globalisation, innovation and sustainability, impact of KfW promotional programmes.