German Private Equity Barometer / German Venture Capital Barometer
Business climate indexes for the German venture capital market
The data for the business climate indexes of the German Private Equity Barometer and the German Venture Capital Barometer are taken from a quarterly survey of the approx. 200 members of the German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (Bundesverband Deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften – BVK) and further German private equity companies. On the one side, the market climate in the later-stage segment is reported and on the other the market climate in the venture capital segment of the German equity capital market. The climate data are based on estimates from investment companies, with the focus being on established SMEs for the German Private Equity Barometer and on investment in start-ups and new technology companies for the German Venture Capital Barometer. All climate indicators show the average of the situation assessment (share "good" minus share "bad") and the balance of the expectations for the coming six months, which are determined in an analogous manner and adjusted for the relevant historical average.
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