Curriculum Vitae of Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib
Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib was chief economist of KfW from November 2019 to October 2024 and was First Vice President of KfW Research.

2008 | PhD in Economics Ludwig Maximilian University Munich and Pompeu Fabra University, Spain |
2002 | Licenciate in Economics University of St. Gallen |
2002 | CEMS Master in International Management HEC Paris, University of Michigan, University of St. Gallen |
Professional experience
Nov. 2019 – Oct. 2024 | Chief Economist First Vice President Economics Department KfW Group, Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
2017 – 2019 | Lead Economist and Programme Leader Central America The World Bank, Washington D.C., USA |
2012 – 2017 | Senior Economist Macro Fiscal Management Global Practice Latin America The World Bank, Washington D.C., USA |
2008 – 2012 | Economist Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network Economic Policy Department and Latin America The World Bank, Washington D.C., USA |
2008 | Research Consultant Monetary and Capital Market Department International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., USA |
2000 – 2007 | Various economist positions in Germany, Switzerland and the USA |
- Köhler-Geib. F. et al (2024): Germany’s competitiveness – from ‘sick man of Europe’ to superstar and back: Where does the economy stand?(PDF, 602 KB, accessible), KfW Research
- Köhler-Geib. F. et al (2024): Set in stone? The German economy’s dependency on copper, lithium and rare earths(PDF, 1 MB, accessible), KfW Research
- Zimmermann, V. and Köhler-Geib, Fritzi, (2023), Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Different Groups of SMEs in Germany and Their Recovery, Intereconomics 58(6): 333–341
- Köhler-Geib. F. et al (2022): KfW Climate Barometer 2022 In 2021, German enterprises invested around EUR 55 billion in climate action – still too little to reach climate neutrality (PDF, 909 KB, non-accessible), KfW Research
- Köhler-Geib, F. and V. Zimmermann (2022): Die Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie auf die finanzielle Lage unterschiedlicher Gruppen von mittelständischen Unternehmen und deren Folgen für den Kreditzugang DIW, Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung 2/2021
- Köhler-Geib, F. et al (2022): A boost in investment for the transformation – what exactly is needed? (PDF, 220 KB, accessible), KfW Research Position Paper
- Köhler-Geib. F. et al (2021): Emerging stronger from the coronavirus crisis five areas of action for a sustainable transformation(PDF, 241 KB, non-accessible), KfW Research Position Paper
- Scheuermeyer, P. and F. Köhler-Geib (2021): Government spending: efficiency also matters(PDF, 273 KB, non-accessible), KfW Research
- Schwartz, M., Borger, K., Brüggemann, A., Gerstenberger, J., Köhler-Geib, F. and V. Zimmermann (2020): SMEs between financial resilience and a digital and green investment surge – a trade-off that should not be(PDF, 368 KB, non-accessible) , Focus on Economics No. 306, KfW Research
- Müller, M. and F. Köhler-Geib (2020): For crisis-resilient growth and better global collaboration (PDF, 223 KB, non-accessible), Focus on Economis No. 302, KfW Research
- Köhler-Geib, F. et al (2020): Where to from here? The crucial next steps in the corona?virus cris(PDF, 214 KB, non-accessible), KfW Research Position Paper
- Köhler-Geib, F. et al (2020): The crisis as a catalyst for more sustainable economic management (PDF, 124 KB, non-accessible), KfW Research Position Paper
- Blanco, F., Koehler-Geib, F., Saavedra, P. and E. Skrok (2020): Fiscal Rules and Economic Size in Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- Nucifora, A., Koehler-Geib, F. and C. Fleischhaker (2017): A Fair Adjustment: Efficiency and Equity of Public Spending in Brazil, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- Koehler-Geib, F. and S. Sanchez (2015): Five Years After CAFTA-DR--Assessing Early Results for the Costa Rican Economy, Directions in Development, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- Koehler-Geib, F., Lopez H., Scott, K., and A. Soliman (2015): Panama: Locking in Success—A Systematic Country Diagnostic, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- Hnatkovska, V. and F. Koehler-Geib (2013): Business Cycle Accounting for Paraguay, Chapter 1, Volume 2 of World Bank report: Growth Volatility in Paraguay—Sources, Effects, Options, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- Favaro, E., Koehler-Geib, F., Picarelli, N., and A. Indaco (2013): Paraguay: Agriculture Commodity Prices and Tax Revenue Collection, Chapter 2, Volume 2 of Paraguay Public Expenditure Review, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- Kannan, P. and F. Koehler-Geib (2011): Contagion and Uncertainty, in Financial Contagion, the Viral Threat to the Wealth of Nations, Editor: R. Kolb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Caner, M., Grennes, T., and Fritzi Koehler-Geib (2010): Finding the Tipping Point—When Sovereign Debt Turns Bad, in Sovereign Debt and the Financial Crisis: Will this Time be Different?, Editors: C. Braga and G. Vincelette, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- F. Koehler-Geib (2008): The Effect of Uncertainty on the Occurrence and Spread of Financial Crises, Dissertation, LMU Munich, Department of Economics
- Drobetz W. and F. Koehler (2002): The Contribution of Asset Allocation Policy to Portfolio Performance, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 16:2, 219-233
- Baumann, R., Keel A., Mueller, H. with contributions of Schmitter A. and Koehler F. (2002): Die Zukunft der beruflichen Vorsorge. Die Rolle der Pensionskassen im Schweizer 3-Saeulen System
Guest Post
- Kommunale Investitionen halten Inflation aus, Der Neue Kämmerer vom 01.03.2022
- Der Herzrhythmus des Mittelstands ist gestört, Frankfurter Rundschau vom 22.02.2022
- Mit Rückendeckung der EZB in Richtung Klimaneutralität, Börsen-Zeitung vom 11.02.2022
- Von der Krise zur Transformation, Börsen-Zeitung vom 01.10.2021
- Coronakrise als Weckruf verstehen, Der Neue Kämmerer vom 02.06.2021
- IT muss Kernkompetenz sein, Börsen-Zeitung vom 20.05.2021
- Eine klimaneutrale Industrie ist machbar, Frankfurter Rundschau vom 01.03.2021
- Eigenkapital – Basis für Strukturwandel und Wachstum, Börsen-zeitung vom 14.11.2020
- Worauf es in der Corona-Krise jetzt ankommt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 15.09.2020
- Die Krise als Katalysator für nachhaltigeres Wirtschaften, Börsen-Zeitung vom 29.05.2020
Working Papers
- Hnatkovska, V. and F.Köhler-Geib (2018): Characterizing Business Cycles in Small Economies, The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series
- Hnatkovska, V. and F. Köhler-Geib (2018): Sources of Volatility in Small Economies, The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series
- Koehler-Geib, F., Kouame, A., and R. Qian (2016): When Debt Hurts Growth: It’s not just how much debt, it’s the risk of default, Draft available from authors
- Caner, M., Grennes, T., and F. Koehler-Geib (2010): Finding the Tipping Point—When Sovereign Debt Turns Bad, The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series
- Caner, M., Koehler-Geib, F., and G. Vincelette (2009): When do Sudden Stops Really Hurt?, The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series
- Kannan P. and F. Köhler-Geib (2009): The Uncertainty Channel of Contagion, IMF Working Paper
- F. Koehler-Geib (2007): The Uncertainty Channel of Contagion, Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics Discussion Paper, November
- F. Koehler-Geib (2007): The Effect of Uncertainty about the Fundamentals on the Occurrence of Sudden Stops–Theory and Empirics, EFA 2007 Ljubljana Meeting Papers
KfW Research, KfW Group, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany,
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